Monday, July 6, 2009


Well, I had the cyst removed from neck on Friday the 26th. It is healing well. The pathology came back that it is benign and contained respiratory epithelials (respiratory cells). The doctor thinks it was related to the "fluid sacs" that were there when I was born. I am sure you have all seen the scar on my neck from that, although you might not have known what it was. The surgery went very well, but recovery has been rougher than expected. They put in a drain to make sure that it doesn't come back. The drain was in until monday. It was gross! Stitches came out on thursday and I am getting back to feeling normal.

Colby could not take it so he went home with my parents on Sunday the 28th. He has been having a blast at the farm. We will pick him up when we go to the lake on Thursday. He is saving his money to buy a DSI. So, he is getting paid for the "work" he does at the farm. I won't be surprised if he doesn't come home with enough to buy his DSI.

It has been very quiet around the house without him but Steven and I have not killed each other. We are glad that we have at least 10 more years before our empty nest years!